first in marketing audits
What is a Marketing Audit?

A marketing audit health check-up is a comprehensive examination of your organization’s marketing health, involving a systematic assessment of your organization as a whole and its marketing environment, objectives, strategies, program activities, systems, productivity and efficiencies and the marketing mix. Both the analysis and examination result in actionable treatment recommendations for better marketing health.

The goal is to provide you and your organization with an independent and objective assessment of the effectiveness and efficiency of your organization’s marketing functions and processes and provide concrete treatment recommendations for improvement.

The marketing audit health check-up, whether comprehensive or functional, large- or small-scale, can play a critical role in the marketing success of your organization.

Comprehensive Marketing Audit Health Check-Up

Our Marketingmri comprehensive and complete audit health check-up involves a thorough assessment and evaluation of all elements of marketing and requires an outside-in objective and independent approach.

Functional Marketing Audit Health Check-Up

A functional marketing audit health check-up occurs when your organization has one specific marketing symptom that needs immediate attention, with treatment recommendations that rapidly and economically refocus your marketing efforts in an effective and efficient manner.

The four elements of either a comprehensive or functional Marketingmri audit health check-up are:

A Marketingmri audit health check-up follows a logical predetermined framework and an orderly sequence of diagnostic steps.

A Marketingmri audit health check-up considers all factors affecting your marketing performance, not just trouble spots. A Marketingmri audit health check-up goes beyond the symptoms, addressing the real problems.

Marketingmri ensures objectivity, as having an objective marketing auditor is essential. It is an independent, objective, qualified and confidential outside-in perspective. Marketingmri auditors do not engage in other types of marketing services.

Just as you do with your own health, organizations should schedule a regular marketing audit health check-up, as marketing operates in a dynamic environment. Periodic evaluation of your marketing functions and processes will keep your marketing and brand healthy and in good shape to deal with today’s volatile and competitive business environment.