first in marketing audits
Marketing Audit Experience

Similar to how your relationship should be with your personal physician, the Marketingmri audit process is built on trust, privacy and confidentiality, with its goal to make your organization as marketing healthy as possible. The process arms you with knowledge and skills to better deal with the ever-changing and volatile business marketplace.

A Marketingmri audit is an intensive and highly structured process. It is often a big step for organizations to move out of a comfort zone and answer questions that may highlight areas that need improvement. It could be a welcome wake up call! The audit drills down and asks some hard questions – some that might make you squirm when you realize what you could have been doing and what some of your competitors are already doing. However, the Marketingmri health check-up results in improving your marketing health and effectiveness, maximizing your marketing ability and talent.

Important to the process, the Marketingmri health check-up stresses correcting procedures rather than assigning blame to individuals. When your organization conducts a regularly scheduled marketing audit, you can avoid problems by pointing out that the process is scheduled from time to time and is not aimed at criticizing an individual or part of the organization, but rather, ensures the organization’s maximum marketing health.

The Marketing Audit Experience Will:

  • Improve your rate of return exponentially on all your sales, marketing and brand activities.
  • Arm your organization with knowledge and skills to better deal with the ever- changing and volatile business marketplace.
  • Maximize your marketing ability and talent.
  • Leave your organization in a better position to maximize its goals and objectives.
  • Stresses correction of procedures and benchmarks rather than assigning blame to individuals.
  • Be a natural team-building experience, and through the process will build a more effective, unified and knowledgeable team for your organization.
  • Develop organizational clarity of mission, goals, objectives and strategies.
  • Become a critical part of your planning process.
  • Be 100% private and confidential.